5 Gardening Jobs for Winter

We know, it’s getting colder in Melbourne. The crisp morning air has well and truly set in, as has the total avoidance of outdoors whenever necessary due to the constant fear of freezing. But for the gardeners and landscapers of the world, it is not easily avoidable to wander into nature, although it may be difficult to get enthusiastic about it when it’s cold and grey.

Even though it is cold, you do not want your garden to go untamed and unmanaged. Gardening has proven to be a therapeutic practice for many people, so put on a jacket and scarf and wander outside into your garden bed to tend to your plants. There are so many ways that gardening in the winter could improve your mood, from a light workout to a just getting fresh air. Make sure you stay on top of your gardening jobs over winter, despite the cold and rain.

  1. Rake Those Leaves and Twigs Away

Grab the rake that has been collecting dust, and head outside! This is a job that can accelerate your heartrate, and keep you warm whilst you maintain your garden. Autumn and Winter are characterised by trees shedding themselves of leaves and twigs becoming brittle and falling from branches. Keep them out of your pathway and rake all of this away. It can be used as a natural mulch in your garden, or simply add it into your compost as a base.

  1. Cut Away

As the tree branches become more visible over the Autumn/ Winter period, it is the perfect time to clean your trees of dead or crowded growth. This can also be done with shrubbery and plants, pruning and tidying the overall garden before the blooming Spring comes around.

  1. Lawn Aeration

Aerating is highly beneficial for the overall growth and appearance of your lawn. The process is relatively easy, as it simply involves piercing small holes into the soil with either a garden fork or specific aeration tools. Aeration allows for water, air and nutrients to enter the soil, and greatly benefit the roots of the lawn, promoting stronger growth to occur in the coming months.

  1. Plant Winter Veggies

Another fantastic way to get involved with your garden in the cold and dreary winter is to research, and plant, vegetables that are suited to Winter climates. Ensure that you clean your garden bed of weeds that may be present, and aerate the soil as illustrated above.

There are a number of veggies that are suited to Melbourne’s winter weather, including: cabbage, Asian greens, lettuce, rocket, spinach, carrots, celery, onions of various types, leek, radish and turnips.

  1. Cosy Up your Outdoor Space

Whether it’s a covered over outdoor living space, or open air, ensure that you make it winter proof. Add some outdoor heating, whether it is portable or fixed, and ensure that you have a space that is welcoming despite the weather. Chuck some blankets into a water-proof storage case, and have a space to cosy up in with your family and friends.

Watersave Landscaping are the professional team working in residential and commercial landscapes. From designing your garden, upgrading your outdoor living area, or choosing and planting climate suited plants we are here to lend a hand. Get in touch to find out more.

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